Mushroom growing supplies and workshops
in the Deep Woods of The Southern Appalachia

Deep Woods Mushrooms is a farm, agritourism and educational center in the Pisgah National Forest of Western North Carolina.

We are a distributor and test farm for Field and Forest Products, carrying a full line of mushroom spawn and growing supplies.

We are also dedicated to the sustainable cultivation of edible and medicinal mushrooms, foraging and identifying wild edible mushrooms as well as teaching how to incorporate mushroom cultivation into your permaculture or property.

We offer inoculation workshops, farm tours, and mushroom foraging tours from March – October. Mushroom Farm Tours


Our cultivated mushrooms and seasonal foraged varieties can be found at local farmers markets.  Select DWM products are available year-round at the farm, farmer’s markets and online.

“…With my increased intake of mushrooms and mushroom teas, I began to have more stamina and I felt healthier!”

Consultation on small or large scale mushroom cultivation (and possible buy-back program).Learn More…

Learn to forage for the wild mushrooms. Join a scheduled walk or schedule a private oneLearn More…

NEW!!!  Deep Woods Mushrooms has been making news! Read an article written for Mountain Traditions, a publication of the Hendersonvile Times News, on the history and operation of Deep Woods Mushrooms. Learn More…